Sam Sofia Winroth
School/Division: ICM
Courses: Clinical Skills, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Neurology
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Sam Sofia Winroth, MD, has extensive experience working as an educator and clinician. Their focus areas include palliative care, sexual and reproductive rights, and LGBTQ+ focused health care and inclusive bedside manners. They are a graduate of The Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. At Saba University School of Medicine, Dr. Winroth teaches Clinical Skills, Obstetrics and Gynecology as well as Neurology.
They have several years of clinical experience within the field of palliative care at the palliative wards and the Department of Patient In-Home Visits in Stockholm, taking care of critically ill patients in curative and palliative stages of their diseases with a high rate of challenging symptoms. As an educator, Dr. Winroth draws on their experience in palliative care to help prepare students for clinical rotations by developing their ability to strengthen patients’ sense of autonomy and supporting the students in developing individual tools for continuous professional growth.
Dr. Winroth’s previous experience includes serving as a platoon commander and sergeant of a medical platoon in the Swedish Armed Forces; pre-hospital care studies at Gothenburg University; and serving as a Super Tutor in anatomy to junior tutors and junior students whilst studying medicine at The Karolinska Institute. Dr. Winroth has a passion for human rights work and specifically sexual, reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights, and wrote their master thesis on contraceptive use after post abortion care among women in Uganda, in cooperation with The Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. Drawing on this passion, Dr. Winroth has been interviewed on television by Aftonbladet, one of the largest daily newspapers in Sweden regarding their non-profit initiative to support human right workers in their work for LGBTQ+ rights in Uganda and have delivered much-appreciated lectures on minority group-inclusive care in both clinical and academic settings for students, senior and junior physicians.
Beyond their medical work, Dr. Winroth has decades of experience in teaching different skills – ranging from basic first aid and CPR, survival training, sex education, leadership training and improvisation – to individuals and groups ranging from 3 to 50 people at a time.
A native Swede, Dr. Winroth enjoys discovering Saba and its surrounding islands through hiking, snorkeling and scuba diving as well as spending time with their cat Skorpan in their free time.