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David Potter

Orthopedic Trauma Surgery

David Potter, MD photo

For a physician going into trauma medicine, the R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore is an essential proving ground. It’s where many of the foundational concepts of modern trauma care were first developed. And it’s where David Potter, MD, a 2010 graduate of Saba University School of Medicine, is now completing an orthopedic trauma fellowship.

David Potter’s passion is in the resuscitation, stabilization and restoration of function in complicated and acute injuries. To really experience that kind of medicine, you need to be at a large, Level One Trauma Center and one of the best known is the Cowley Shock Trauma Center.

In the 1960’s and 70’s, Dr. R Adams Cowley was a leader in the emerging field of trauma care. He pioneered the concept of the “golden hour”—getting essential care to patients as quickly as possible. Decades later, the center he helped found in Baltimore remains a national and global leader in trauma research, patient care, and teaching.

David began to develop a strong interest in trauma medicine during his clinical rotations at Saba. Working with the Saba clinical education team, he embarked on a rich elective program, completing general surgery and orthopedic rotations at University of Missouri Kansas City and in Houston at the University of Texas Health Science Center. After graduation, he matched into a one-year preliminary surgery residency at the Mayo Clinic and then a 5-year orthopedic residency there before heading to Baltimore for the orthopedic trauma fellowship at Shock Trauma Center.

When he was first out of college, David worked at Cardinal Health, the global healthcare services and products company before beginning medical school at Saba. Looking back, he says the adjustment to becoming a student again was easy.

“Saba was great. The professors were engaging and taught well, on par with or better than U.S schools. I was really well prepared for the USMLE Step One–it was truly spot-on preparation. I also believe a huge factor in my success was the peaceful island environment.”

David believes “any specialty is possible when you graduate from Saba. The school is an excellent springboard. Work hard. Be the first one in and the last one out. And don’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I certainly didn’t.”

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