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6 Tips for Medical Students Starting as They Begin Clinical Rotations

Saba Students Undertake a Wide Range of Clinical Rotations

Read more about the elective clinical rotations Saba students undergo across the US and Canada.

One of the top questions we hear from prospective students is “Where will I do my clinical rotations?” It’s a very important question because where you do your clinical rotations—particularly your elective rotations—has a big impact on where you do your residency.

Saba students complete clinical rotations at medical centers across the US and Canada. Here is a snapshot of Saba graduates since 2000.

18,000+ Rotations: While Saba is a relatively small school—our class sizes are just a fraction of what you will see at some of the other medical schools located in the Caribbean—Saba students have completed more than 18,000 elective rotations across the US and Canada.

Every Specialty Represented: The American Medical Association groups physicians into 26 specialty groups, from Allergy/Immunology and Anesthesiology to Surgery and Urology. Saba students pursued electives in every one of those 26 specialties, as well as other “ungrouped” specialties such as Hospitalist and Wilderness Medicine.

Top Specialties for Electives: The top areas for Saba students to pursue elective rotations were Internal Medicine, Surgery, Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Obstetrics/Gynecology, Family/General Practice, Cardiology, Emergency Medicine and Radiology.

Numerous Subspecialties: Saba students pursued elective rotations in numerous subspecialties. For example, Saba students completed electives in surgical subspecialties including Burn Surgery, Cardiovascular, Colon & Rectal, Craniofacial, Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology, Pediatric Cardiothoracic, Critical Care ICU, Transplantation, Trauma and Wound Care.

For prospective students

Saba is committed to supporting prospective students with any questions or queries throughout the application process. Please see the following links for detailed information about each topic:

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